How to become a sex god?

Article published on 14 november 2017
We are not born God of sex, we become it! But how ? Of course regularly reading our sexos tips on the blog! Today, we will give you several recommendations to put in place during your game of glide, at the time of penetration.
Vary sexual positions
For each report, think about varying positions . The ideal: to do between 2 and 3 positions each time. And it's even better if you regularly add a new position !
To help you, you can visit Kamasutra . This mythical book of Indian origin was invented for lovers of Love. Certain positions of Kamasutra have become famous: the famous missionary, the position of Andromache, the union of the lotus, the 69, ...
Attention, a new position can be just a change of angle of penetration, placement of legs, ...
You can also innovate alone. Invent yourself new positions . Your darling will be delighted.
A god of sex is also an artist in the making ... in search of the ideal angle of penetration to make his wife enjoy an unequaled intensity.
But it is also a person with lots of ideas ... and attractive proposals!
For example, the God of sex will propose to Madame to reverse the roles doggy style. It will be up to her to lead the game and decide on the pace of penetration .
A lot of women love enterprising men. Dare to take over and fix your rules of the game . Without falling into BDSM , gently dominate your wife, whether by word or deed. For example, the hair has a very erotic connotation. You can catch them during the act. As in the movie " 50 Shades of Gray " ( with the characters of Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele ), ask your partner to have a ponytail .
Start with a smooth penetrationPubSlowly ...
Do not go too fast during the preliminaries! Take your time ( see our article on slow sex ) and wait until Madam is very excited to penetrate her. If you feel that her vagina is not perfectly wet, it is important to add some saliva or lubricant . Remember to always have lubricant on your bedside table, you never know!
As mentioned in a previous article, caress your partner languidly before entering. She must be ready and make you understand.
At the beginning, for the 1 st penetration, go easy on it. It is important not to hurt him and to accustom his vagina in delicacy.
Change the rhythm!
Then change the back and forth movements : fast, slow, jerky, extended ... as well as the type Penetration : deep then soft, right at the edge of the vagina and deep again .
Also, sometimes think about taking your penis out and back again a few moments later ( do not miss the entrance, you could hurt yourself every 2 ). You can also, when you are inside the vagina, make small circles with your sex , like the symbol " Infinite ". The goal: to touch the walls of the vagina and swell the clitoris .
Above all, do not do the hammer for hours and hours without interrupting yourself. Women hate it and take no pleasure, I assure you!
It's up to you to set the pace of your movements! As said above, be a tad domineering .
Remember during the act of kissing Madame on the lips, breasts, neck, ears, cheeks, ... You can even chew it for more sensations.
Dare to speakWhat if you dare to talk while your legs are in the air? Just a few words, a few sentences, no more!
Some examples:"Go," "Faster,"Yes, it's good", "I love when you do this to me", "You're so exciting", "I want you right now" , ... and the unconditional " I love you " ....
All about orgasm
A woman can have several orgasms in a row . So, do not stop especially if you see her shudder with pleasure. You always have to give yourself a goal:make it crazy until the end of the night.
A sex god will be exactly on which button to press to restart the machine. You too now.
During the sexual act, think about touching or pressing clitoris . We must not forget it. It's not because you penetrate your wife that you have to ignore her golden button. Orgasm will come much faster!
Do you feel that your wife is close to orgasm? Stop your movements! Then start again slowly ... several times in a row, this technique will give him access to a very powerful orgasm ( however, be careful not to repeat this experience with each leg of the legs in the air ).
Go back to a new tour? If so, that's it, you have become a God of sex! Congratulations!
Many thanks to Messidor for these beautiful photos illustrating these articles.